Smoke rises as Israel began a major aerial and ground offensive in the West Bank city of Jenin. July 3, 2023. Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90 (Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)
IDF operation Jenin


Col. Richard Kemp called Israel’s recent operation, which resulted in no civilian fatalities, ‘a remarkable achievement, probably unprecedented in modern warfare.’

By United with Israel Staff

Former British military commander Col. Richard Kemp called Israel’s recent operation in Jenin – during which the IDF managed to avoid even a single civilian fatality –  a “remarkable achievement.”

In an interview with Israel National News published Sunday, Kemp explained that “to conduct an operation of such intensity in an urban area without killing any uninvolved civilians at all is a remarkable achievement by the IDF and probably unprecedented in modern warfare.”

“Casualty ratios in most such operations have often been 3 to 5 civilians killed for every fighter, and that is by Western armies that do their best to avoid civilian casualties and adhere to the laws of war,” he said.

“I doubt any other army in the world would be able to achieve what the IDF did in Jenin.”

Israel’s success in avoiding civilian casualties “”is even more remarkable given that the terrorists in Jenin hid behind the civilian population, used human shields and deliberately tried to lure the IDF into killing civilians in order to attract world condemnation,” he added.

Kemp also addressed criticism of Israel’s operation, such as that leveled by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who last week accused Israel of using “excessive force” and said its “use of airstrikes is inconsistent with the conduct of law enforcement operations.”

“Guterres is wrong to accuse the IDF of using disproportionate force as the facts very clearly show,” Kemp said. “Proportionality in warfare only refers to the killing and wounding of innocent civilians in relation to the military objective. No innocent civilians were killed. We don’t know how many uninvolved civilians were wounded by IDF fire, but the death rate strongly indicates that IDF action was the opposite of disproportionate.”

“Guterres is also wrong to say that the use of air strikes is inconsistent with this type of operation. This was not what Guterres might see as a traditional law enforcement operation. Jenin was a war zone full of terrorists heavily equipped with arms and explosives, many supplied by Iran to kill Israelis.”

“The IDF chose to use drone strikes because they calculated that this would be the most effective way of dealing with the threat while minimizing civilian casualties, and again, in this case, the facts proved them right and Guterres wrong,” Kemp added

Kemp also addressed comments made on Saturday by the EU’s representative to “Palestine” Sven Kuehn von Burgsdorff, who echoed Guterres’ concerns about “proportionality” but added that the operation constituted a “violation of international law.”

“Burgdsdorff needs to explain which international laws were violated by the IDF,” Kemp said.

“The IDF used no weapons or tactics in Jenin that are banned under international law. Nor is it against international law for a country to use force to protect its citizens from a violent threat which has seen many Israelis murdered in recent months, provided that force is proportionate, which in this case it very clearly was by any calculation.”

Asked how critics of Israel could make such statements despite Israel’s success in avoiding civilian fatalities, Kemp said “Israel’s critics will condemn Israel whatever it does to protect its citizens.”

“This criticism is not about Israel’s military action but about Israel’s right to operate in Judea and Samaria at all. These people have bought into the propaganda campaign that says Israel is illegally occupying this territory, which is not the case.

“This is Israeli sovereign territory that is disputed,” Kemp continued. “Until and unless that dispute is resolved, Israel is obliged to exercise law enforcement in these areas because the Palestinian Authority security forces, which are supposed to deal with these threats, will not or can not do so despite millions of dollars invested in them.”

“Israel does not just have the right to act with force to protect its citizens, it has a duty to do so, as would every other country in the world. All of these accusations against Israel show the double standards that are consistently applied.”

Kemp concluded with a call to “international leaders like Guterres and Burgdsdorff […] to be more careful about what they say.”

“False and unjust comments such as the ones they have made against the IDF in Jenin incite violence against Israelis and Jews around the world,” he said. “They also encourage Palestinian terrorists and their Iranian sponsors, who can see that their tactics intended to vilify and isolate Israel are working.”



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