Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (L) with PM Netanyahu. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90/File) (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90/File)
Giuliani Netanyahu


During a visit to the Holy Land this week, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani shared his views on the Palestinian Authority, for whom he says Americans have no use.

By: United with Israel Staff

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post on Thursday, Rudy Giuliani pulled no punches, slamming the Argentinian national team’s cancellation of their match in Israel due to terror threats

“Resilience is a defense to terrorism,” responded Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City when the Islamic terror group Al-Qaeda destroyed the Twin Towers in a terror that killed thousands of innocent people.

Giuliani also had harsh words for the “renegade” Palestinian Authority, whom he called a group of “terrorists and thieves.”

In the wide-ranging interview with the JPost, Giuliani commented that except for “left-wing political contingents, no one in the US has any use for the Palestinian Authority.”

“We are aware of the fact that they pay salaries to convicted terrorists, including people convicted of killing Americans. That is totally mind-boggling,” concluded Giuliani.

The man who was once dubbed “America’s mayor” was honored as the keynote speaker at an evening hosted by OneFamily, an organization that supports those whose family members were killed or wounded in terrorist attacks.

Giuliani currently serves as US President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and he commended his top client for moving the US’ embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

On a visit that will extend through Sunday, Giuliani will speak in various venues throughout Israel.

Giuliani stressed in his JPost interviewed: “You should never succumb to fear induced by terrorists.”

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