
Friends of IDF soldier Ron Kokia, who was murdered in a terrorist attack, mourned him as a special and loving person whom they will miss forever.

By: Benjamin Kerstein, The Algemeiner

Friends of IDF soldier Ron Kokia, 19, who was killed on Thursday night in an apparent terrorist attack, expressed their pain and mourning in a series of emotional statements, remembering Kokia as a special and loving person who they will miss forever.

Kokia was stabbed to death while waiting for a ride in the southern city of Arad. The terrorists have still not been found and a massive manhunt is underway.

Kokia’s girlfriend Yael Sapir took to Facebook with a heartfelt statement of love.

According to the Hebrew website Walla, she wrote, “I don’t believe and don’t want to believe that you are no longer with us. It is impossible to believe that I’m speaking of you in the past tense, that you are no longer here. I don’t know where to begin.”

“It isn’t fair that this happened to you, to the boy with big blue eyes that I would look at and melt all over again,” she continued. “The endless zest for life that you had, the conquering smile that never fell from your face, and of course a heart of gold. You always helped us all and gave us a hand even when you didn’t have to. You are simply a treasure.”

“I don’t believe that I can’t call you ‘Ronchuk’ again,” she concluded. “We won’t laugh together again, our deep heartfelt conversions until the small hours of the night that we loved. Ronchuck, I already miss you. … You will always be in my heart. You were a hero and a hero you will stay. Protect us from above.”

Ariel Amir, a close army friend who went through basic training with Kokia also spoke about their relationship, saying, “The pain is so close and intense. Ron was murdered in cold blood by vile terrorists. Koki, you were my closest friend in boot camp. … While there are tears in my eyes, I want to commemorate you. You were innocent and extraordinary, I can’t imagine how painful it was for you in that moment, it’s so painful for me. We had so many experiences in such a short time. I will remember you always.”

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