Annika Hernroth-Rothstein slammed the reaction by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström to the terrorist attack in Paris on Friday night, which left more than 132 dead and hundreds of others seriously wounded, after Wallström linked the massacre perpetrated by ISIS terrorists to Palestinian suffering, indicating that Israel was to blame.

Annika Hernroth-Rothstein — who gained notoriety for requesting asylum in her own country, to make a public statement about life as a pro-Israel Jew in Sweden – recounted: “One hour after the attacks, at 10:45 pm, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström was interviewed on Swedish national TV [SVT2T], and she said that ‘to fight radicalization, we have to go back to the situation in the Middle East, where especially the Palestinians see no future. We either have to accept a desperate situation or act forcefully.’”

This, Hernroth-Rothstein said, “is an example of where most of Europe is today: making excuses for murderers; blaming the killings of more than 130 innocent people on ‘Israeli occupation;’ and refusing to acknowledge that what we see unfolding on our streets is created, and sustained, by European inaction and cowardice in the face of pure evil in our midst.”

She added that such carnage in the streets of a major European city was “never a question of if, but when,” noting that “despite having a rise in homegrown terror since the London bombings 10 years ago, Europe has failed to identify the threat and instead given in to a severe case of cognitive dissonance.”

By: The Algemeiner

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