Despite a 2011 decision of the Israeli government that prohibits university studies for terrorist prisoners, they continue to be awarded degrees by Palestinian organizations.
You’d think that joint efforts with Israel to stop terrorist ideologies from spreading on university campuses would be welcomed by Palestinians. Well, not at Birzeit University, near Ramallah.
Emad Halayqa, a student at Birzeit University, provides further evidence that an independent Palestinian state would be an oppressive police state. In fact, it already is, he says.
Since Mahmoud Abbas rose to power, the situation in the West Bank has become as unstable as ever. With no clear successor and reports of rampant corruption, the PA faces an uncertain future.
Hamas won a majority of seats on the traditionally pro-Fatah Birzeit University student council. The elections are an indicator of Palestinian public opinion.
By disbanding the Palestinian branch of Combatants for Peace, the Palestinian Authority leadership is encouraging radicals to fight against peace and tolerance.
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