Dennis Ross called on President Joe Biden to maintain Donald Trump's Middle East policies of prioritizing Israel-Arab peace deals and backing Iran into a corner.
Once again, a senior US official has demonstrated an inexplicable desire to pressure Israel into making further concessions to the Palestinians - a dangerous move that has only proven to distance peace, not facilitate it.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conveyed a message of warning to US President Barack Obama not to make any moves on the Israeli-Palestinian front during his lame-duck period between November and January.
A PBS documentary on Netanyahu features a testimony by former US Ambassador Martin Indyk about the period surrounding Yitzhak Rabin's funeral. While video evidence proves Indyk falsified at least part of his story, he appears to vindicate Netanyahu of being responsible for Rabin's murder.
Top US experts published a letter in which they urge the Obama administration to seek a better deal with Iran, as the one currently proposed is deemed to fail.
US diplomat Dennis Ross criticized Obama’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but acknowledged that the president has responded well to Israel’s security needs.
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