Living Torah: A Lesson in Jewish Survival The hand of friendship can make it very easy to forget that we stood at Sinai and are bound to God by an eternal covenant.
Living Torah: Don’t Let Work Take Over Your Life Be sure to maintain a healthy balance between the world of the home and the world of the office. Both are important!
Meet the Woman: The Matriarch Leah Teaches Value of Appreciation Jacob was successfully fooled into marrying Leah, and it wasn’t until the next morning that he realized the sisters had been switched.
Living Torah: Stay Focused! How often do people get caught up in an argument and lose focus on the matter at hand? How often do they even forget what they were arguing about?
Everyone, even Esau, has Something to Teach Us There is not much we can learn from the wicked Esau, but when it comes to honoring our parents, he is certainly a fine example. He also had a great attitude.
Fatigue Is Not a Jewish Concept Sure, we all get tired, but a Jew cannot let himself be affected by fatigue and should not complain about it either. A Jew’s job is to serve God 24/7.