Following Hallel Ariel's brutal murder in 2016, her mother has published a meaningful book for bat mitzvah girls and their mothers in her daughter's memory.
The real abuse that American politicians should investigate is the Palestinian Authority's constant incitement of minors to murder Jews, not Israel's attempts to prevent such exploitation.
Each family of a Palestinian killed by Israel receives a base monthly payment of 1,400 shekels ($350). Israel argues that the 'martyrs' fund' is ultimately subsidized by Western and Arab aid to the Palestinian Authority.
The grieving mother of 13-year-old Hallel Ariel, murdered in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist, turns to those consoling her and shares a powerful message of strength.
After the Palestinian governor of Hebron paid a condolence call to the family of the terrorist who murdered a 13-year-old Jewish girl, the IDF revoked his entry permit into Israel for his encouragement of terrorism.
After Palestinian terrorist Mohammad Taraireh, 17, murdered Hallel Yaff Ariel, 13, while she was sleeping in bed, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas' party posted the terrorist's picture on its official Facebook page, declaring him a 'martyr.'
After a 13-year-old Jewish girl was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in her bed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the world and explained how each of us can, and must, defeat this barbaric ideology.
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