Holocaust survivors sing the Israeli national anthem, knowing they would be arrested for trying to enter British-mandated Palestine and the future Jewish state.
After Algeria's top sports official stood for Israel's national anthem at a major event in France, he was shamed into stepping down for his gesture to the 'Zionist enemy.'
Watching these brave young Israelis sing 'HaTikvah' in Germany, where the Nazis tried to wipe out the Jewish people during the Holocaust, will send shivers up your spine.
The community of Halamish sang the Israel national anthem, defying terrorists hoping to drive them away from the biblical heartland of the Jewish people.
The Israeli Judo champion, who sang his own private “HaTikvah” on the winner’s podium due to a discriminatory Israeli symbols ban, speaks out about his brave decision.
An Egyptian military band played the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, as the Jewish state’s new ambassador presented his credentials during a ceremony at the presidential palace in Cairo.
Students of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa built autonomous robotic arms to play songs on a xylophone, including Israel's national anthem!
Jerusalem Post’s Barbara Sofer lists 68 reasons to be proud of Israel as it celebrates its 68th Independence Day; JNF Missions transcend the boundaries of a standard trip and provide participants with a deeper connection to the land and people of Israel, and much more.