'All the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David sealed a covenant with them in Hebron before Hashem (G-d), and they anointed David as King over Israel' (2 Samuel 5:3)
'They… spied out the land…and arrived at Hebron where there (lived)…the offspring of the giant…They (the spies) returned after spying out the land (of Israel) at the end of 40 days...They…said…the people that dwells in the Land is powerful, the cities have massive and big walls' (Numbers 13: 21-28)
A passionate group of Israeli volunteers is working to restore an ancient, sacred site—the traditional tomb of Jesse and Ruth, the father and great-grandmother of King David, located in Hebron.
Hebron spokesman explains how Jews moving furniture at the Tomb of the Patriarchs was falsely presented by anti-Israel media as the desecration of a mosque.
This event carries a profound significance, rooted in the shared desire for Israel's protection and the safe return of hostages held in distressing circumstances.
Abraham purchased the cave after the death of his beloved Sarah. He insisted on paying, so that generations that followed could not contest Jewish ownership.
Aside from the 'warm winter gifts' that were given thanks to the UWI donors, what truly warmed the soldiers' hearts was the atmosphere of love and appreciation.
Watch this amazing footage of thousands of Jews dancing and singing around the 2,000-year-old structure after spending a beautiful Shabbat in the ancient city.
Before Yair Maimon thwarted a terror attack near his home, his mother reportedly felt an inexplicable urge to rush to the Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron to pray.
A PA committee condemned the move, saying that the renovation is an attack on the exclusive right of the Muslims to enter the site. Are there no disabled Muslims wishing to enter?
'The Arab narrative of the events of the day were immediately adopted by the media,' activist Ari Kaniel said. 'Why does nobody ask what made Orthodox Jews throw rocks on a holy day, something that is forbidden unless in self-defence?'