Living Torah: Is Refraining from Worldly Pleasures Commendable or Condemnable? A Nazirite is a man or a woman who decides to withdraw from certain worldly pleasures in order to live a slightly ascetic life.
Living Torah: What is Meant by the Commandment to be Holy? Sometimes, the holiest of the holy is attained by using your heart and your God-given brains.
Living Torah: No Magic Fixes or Instant Holiness in Judaism We all have the potential to become holy. We just have to remember that we need earn it ourselves; there's no special pill or oil to make it happen.
Living Torah: Salt and Spirituality Each Temple sacrifice had it own unique set of rules, including which animals were required or qualified to be offered, but they all had one thing in common: Salt.
Living Torah: ‘Kedoshim’ – What does it mean to be holy? We live in both the material and the physical world. But we can also use the physical world to achieve certain levels of holiness.