Impact-se’s research on Middle Eastern school curricula examines how governments shape citizens' views on peace and coexistence with Israel through public education.
Such activity raises questions about whether unarmed people observing soldiers on behalf of a terrorist group — so-called spotters — can be considered combatants who have lost the protections afforded to civilians.
'It is time for Australia to look for new, more constructive partners through which to channel its assistance,' said CEO of Executive Council of Australian Jewry,
Watchdog group IMPACT-se gets European Parliament to pass resolutions demanding EU stop unding of Palestinian education unless incitement removed from textbooks.
The Norwegian parliament called on the Palestinian Authority on Thursday to remove violent, racist and anti-Semitic materials from its school curriculum, or else face a drop or cessation in funding.
The study, by IMPACT-se, showed that Israeli textbooks see peace as the ultimate goal. The books acknowledge a Palestinian presence in Israel before 1948, the development of a national Palestinian identity and different aspects of the Palestinian narrative, rationale and experiences, including Palestinian suffering.
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