Agudath Israel of America says US officials "should not be seeking to use their positions of power to meddle in the internal affairs of another sovereign democratic state."
After the elections, the cabinet slots in the Knesset have changed, and it might give organizations like Return to the Mount a fair chance to play their game.
The privileges, which will become outlawed should the bill pass, are conjugal visits, canteen purchases, possession of TV sets and game consoles, high school equivalency and academic studies, vacations, and receiving clothing and provisions from the outside.
An Israeli court ruled on Tuesday that Facebook can be charged in Israel for violating the privacy of its users, even though the agreement between the social media website and its users states that the forum for such cases would be in California.
Israel's Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Monday stated that she is working together with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on an outline for imposing Israeli law on the Israeli-controlled areas in Judea and Samaria.
In an increased effort to combat Palestinian rock terror in the capital, legal experts are introducing new laws, including payment for property damage by the assailants.
An effort in Israel's legislature to pass a law sentencing convicted terrorists to death has been temporarily blocked as Prime Minister Netanyahu pushed off the vote for three months in order to study the issue in depth.
Each year, Israelis are faced with rock terror attacks, which have injured and killed a number of innocent civilians. Now, those responsible for throwing these deadly rocks will face stricter punishment.
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