While current treatments rely on surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, this pioneering study suggests that precise gene-editing could offer a highly targeted and less invasive alternative.
The study's results, published in a Humanities journal, found a link between unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), or UFO sightings, and macroeconomic conditions on the local, state, and national levels in the US.
The study calls for a closer examination of how disruptions to the circadian clock influence IBD and advocates for the development of innovative treatments that align with natural biological cycles.
The approval of an MDMA drug trial for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) offers hope for a potential medical breakthrough in treating this debilitating condition.
Tiny AI-based component could enable individuals to conduct a variety of tests with their smart phones - from checking blood oxygen levels to determining the amount of fat in a glass of milk.
Thanks to researchers at Israel's Hebrew University, a new diagnostic tool, enables earlier detection of Parkinson’s disease along with better tracking of the disease’s progression and the patient’s response to therapy.
The team of researchers has identified two new planets in distant solar systems that are similar in size to Jupiter and complete an orbit of their suns in less than four days.
Scientists and entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to scent to help detect disease, boost memory, entertain, and protect people from food allergies.