Former Israeli Soldier Flees Brazil after Court Authorizes ‘War Crimes’ Probe Against Him 'I am embarrassed for Brazil and its government, who surrendered to the pro-Palestinian legal terrorism,' chair of Israeli Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee said in response to the Brazilian move.
TRUE HERO: The Ex-IDF Soldier Who Confronted 9/11 Attackers Learn about the incredible story of the first hero of 9/11 who was a former IDF soldier.
Freedom Fighter: Israel Mourns ‘Lehi’ Underground Member Who Passed at 92 Psalm 144, 'Blessed is the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war,' was read at Lehigh fighter David Spitzer's funeral.
BEHIND THE UNIFORM: An IDF Soldier Pursues His Dream Cpl. Calil Cheavor's drive to succeed gives new meaning to the word 'outstanding.'