When improbable circumstances align so fortuitously and unexpectedly, we must consider whether another factor is at work and if a greater plan is unfolding.
Throughout our long history, Jews have overcome all sorts of obstacles to observe the mitzvah of sukkah. But perhaps one of the most striking instances is the sukkah built in Mexico City in the year 1603 by a crypto-Jew named Sebastian Rodriguez.
As we pray at the Western Wall and gaze up at the Temple Mount, we cannot help but wonder why there is no Holy Temple today. Does it have anything to do with the slanderous report of the spies in the times of Moses?
Much as we conceive of Zionism as a modern Jewish nationalist movement, it likely wouldn't have succeeded without the weight of Jewish tradition behind it.
In honor of the holiday of Purim that is observed this week, celebrating a miraculous Jewish victory in ancient Persia, let’s take a quick glance at the history of the Jews of Iran.
It is because Purim commemorates the literal survival of the Jewish people to this very day that the sages wanted to make sure we celebrate accordingly.
Explore Gaza's importance in Jewish history and the authentic historical context that contrasts media and Palestinian narratives in a presentation by American historian Henry Abramson.
Professor Taler discusses his innovative strategies aimed at preserving the memory of the Holocaust, ensuring that the horrors of the past are never forgotten.
'Pharaoh, King of Egypt, had come up and conquered Gezer and burnt it in fire, and killed the Canaanite who lived in the city. He gave it as a wedding present to his daughter, Solomon’s wife, and Solomon then build up Gezer'
On your next trip to Israel, if you are looking to sample great wine, enjoy beautiful nature, and see incredible archaeology, the Yatir forest is waiting for you!
'As in every democratic country, we have disagreements; this is natural," Netanyahu said. However, "I always remember one thing: We are one people, with one fate. We have no other country. We are brothers.'
Watch and learn about the cherished landmark that embodies the heart and soul of the city, and check out some of the celebrations for the momentous occasion!
On Sky News Prime Minister Netanyahu argues for the Jewish people's right to Judea and Samaria and explains why Israel's presence there does not prevent peace.
'Behold… a holy man of God, who passes by us regularly. Let us make a small walled upper chamber, and place there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp; and it will be that when he comes to us, he will turn into there.'
When living in Israel, one gets so accustomed to seeing biblical sites at every turn that you can almost start taking it for granted. Some are well known, others less so.
Each year, Israel observes two somber days of remembrance within a week, followed by Independence Day celebrations throughout the country. The connection is profound.
'Gather the sons of Benjamin from the midst of Jerusalem, and in Tekoa sound the shofar, and over Beth-hakerem raise a standard, for evil is visible from the north and a great calamity' (Jeremiah 6:1)
Instead of providing a balanced and nuanced piece of journalism, this New York Times report is full of misleading statements and claims that reek of an anti-Israel bias.