The Israel Antiquities Authority’s has now fully excavated the 8th Century BCE (1st Temple period) Lachish city gate near Mount Hebron; The Israel Antiquities Authority has recovered a papyrus from the time of the 1st Temple documenting a wine shipment from Na’artah to Jerusalem, and much more.
The menorah, a large seven-branched candelabrum made of solid gold, stood in the Jewish Holy Temples. This is the story of how it came to represent the modern State of Israel.
This video features an introduction to a documentary film that tells the story of Jews who live in Ethiopia where they struggle to preserve their identity in an environment of hostility and persecution.
Ignoring thousands of years of history and many artifacts attesting to the existence of the Jewish Temples, the Palestinian Authority claims a Jewish Jerusalem never existed.
This video features hope in a time of darkness, as the Jewish people mourn the destruction of the two Jewish Temples, and prepare for the building of the third.
Discover what the building of the Third Holy Temple will mean - not only for the people of Israel - but for the entire world. So let's dare to dream... and dare to build!
Discover what the building of the Third Holy Temple will mean - not only for the people of Israel - but for the entire world. So let's dare to dream... and dare to build!
Canadian artist Chashi Skobac produced this video which depicts the rescue of Jerusalem Temple Mount artifacts from a garbage dump in the Kidron Valley.
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