A soldier who fought in Gaza recounted a remarkable experience: after wearing a donated dri-fit shirt with tzitzit under his uniform, he endured severe burns across his body—except for the areas protected by the tzitzis.
On the same day bombing victim Elhanan Biton was released from Shaare Zedek Medical Center, the hospital released photos of a Book of Psalms that blocked shrapnel from injuring another Israeli.
It is hard to believe that any farming can take place in a desert, but some Israeli farmers have surpassed all expectations with their outstanding desert-grown produce and fish.
When Israeli citizens were held hostage by terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda in late June 1976, Israeli commandos and soldiers embarked on one of the most daring and dangerous rescue operations ever in order to save them.
Watch the miraculous story of the last, ancient Judean general leaving a direct, important message for the first commander of the Israel Defense Forces, over 2000 years later!
What could cause a person to transform his whole life and go from being a Muslim Lebanese member of Hezbollah to a Torah observant Jew living in Israel?
Footage has been released from one of the Paris terror attacks showing diners diving for cover as an AK-47-wielding ISIS terrorist fires at them. He aims his gun at two girls, but his gun jams and they manage to escape.
Israel is truly the land of miracles as Tel Aviv residents witnessed a crane collapse near a busy highway during a windy rainstorm. Luckily, nobody was injured.
This video offers but a glimpse into what the Jewish people of Israel are like compared to the murderous terrorists who perpetuate hatred and violence.
As Ronen Edri was driving to work in Samaria, a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on his car, resulting in what we can now see was a tremendous miracle.
When Holocaust survivor Aryeh Goldberg passed away, he left his son much more than just a gold watch. He left him with the clues necessary to uncover the past.