'Did Hamas consult the Palestinian leadership ... when it made its decision to carry out the ‘adventure’ of last October 7, which led to a catastrophe more horrific and crueler than the ‘Nakba’ of 1948?'
'Attending one-sided Palestinian initiatives that falsely brand Israel as the source of all evil does not bring the conflict closer to an end but only serves to inflame tensions.'
The European official's statement denies the Palestinians' 'rich history,' whitewashes "Israeli apartheid" and goes against the EU's commitment to international law and human rights, the PA stated.
Tlaib’s proposed resolution reminds us that anti-Zionist extremism and the denial of Jewish rights is what has left descendants of 1948 refugees in limbo and made peace impossible.
The sentence in question with the false claim defaming the State of Israel has been deleted, although there is no editor’s note explaining the revision.
The term 'Nakba,' originally coined to describe the magnitude of the self-inflicted Arab defeat in the 1948 war, has become a synonym for Palestinian victimhood.
Congressman Mark Pocan sponsored a shockingly anti-Semitic hatefest, funded by US taxpayers, that denied Israel's right to exist and denounced the 'Jews.'
Nakba commemorations disclose that the conflict is about Israel’s existence –– not about territory, borders, holy places, refugees or any other bill of particulars.
We are called settlers, occupiers and much worse. While the Palestinian Authority incites violence against Israelis, the media brings legitimacy to the terror.
Anett Haskia is an Arab Muslim Zionist. By serving as a role model for young Arab Israelis, she hopes to influence change and help bring about a lasting peace.
Is there any hope that the next generation will be more interested in peace? With Palestinian schools teaching young children to hate and to kill Jews, the outlook is bleak indeed.
The near-lynching of two Israeli journalists was among the latest incidents demonstrating the rise in terror emanating from the PA-administered territories.
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