This year, when celebrating the joy of Chanukah, we must make it more than a superficial effort and remember those who fought and found the oil to light our way.
On November 2, 1917, for the first time in modern history, a major political power expressed public support for the creation of a 'national home' for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.
PA leader Mahmoud Abbas is being mocked by a number of bloggers and journalists for his latest gift to the Saudi king in his ongoing attempt to distort history.
On May 16, 1916, Britain and France divided the former Ottoman Empire territory in the Middle East , including the Land of Israel, which came under British rule.
The claim that Arabs, or so-called "Palestinians," have national historical rights to the Land of Israel is false, and its purpose is to destroy the Jewish State.
This week marks Hebrew Language Day, set on the birth date of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, who is credited for the incredible revival of Hebrew as a spoken language.
On Nov. 2, 1917, Lord Arthur James Balfour sent a letter to Lord Rothschild, affirming British support for the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel.
In line with its stance that over a million Armenians were killed in what should be considered a genocide, Israel will send a Knesset delegation to participate in the ceremonies commemorating the massacre.
A petition calling on the university to cancel the conference garnered more than 6,000 signatures, with many claiming it would turn into an Israel-bashing event.
All of the buildings, including the windmill, of Mishkenot Sha’ananim remain standing today. It is a grand testimony to the growth and restoration of Jerusalem.
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