An investigation released last year by the watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch documented at least 55 attacks that were carried out by PASF members since 2020.
The finance minister announced his intention to immediately halt the transfer of all monthly tax revenues that Jerusalem collects on behalf of the P.A.
Reforms include cutting down the PA’s bureaucracy, replacing diplomats, and initiating an internal self-investigation mechanism within Palestinian Preventive Security.
Hamas leaders have repeatedly demonstrated that they care nothing for the well-being of Arabs and Muslims as they live a life of luxury while Gaza burns.
The recent decisions by the PLO Central Council and PLO Executive Committee to end security coordination with Israel have ignited significant controversy within Palestinian society, according to a report published on Monday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
This funny parody mocks Muslims for being willing to murder their sister because “she looked at another man” and for teaching children to kill Jews to protect “Muslim honor.”
Essentially accusing Israel of war crimes, the PA wants Israel investigated for its killing of Palestinian terrorists while they are committing terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
The Obama administration will come to the aid of Palestinians against the interests of American victims of terror who successfully sued the PA for damages.
Israelis across the political spectrum are horrified by a murderous arson attack that claimed the life of an Arab baby. PM Netanyahu vows to bring the criminals to justice.
The world marks International Women's Day on Sunday and Israel is participating with the proud knowledge that it is a country that provides freedom and equality for women - on par with other Western countries, and far greater than other Middle East societies.
The PA and PLO will appeal a Manhattan court verdict that found them guilty of providing material support to terrorists and awarded the victims $218.5 million.
US President Obama's government expressed concern that the Palestinian Authority ruled by Abbas is on the verge of collapsing due to shortage of funding, including Israel's withholding of taxes.
The Palestinian Authority and Fatah actively desecrate the memory of the Holocaust by repeatedly comparing Israel’s defense measures against Hamas to Nazism.