Israeli rights activist Michael Puah told the news site that he was able to wear tefillin (phylacteries), in defiance of the ban on Jewish prayer on the Mount.
Before Yair Maimon thwarted a terror attack near his home, his mother reportedly felt an inexplicable urge to rush to the Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron to pray.
The arrival of a hurricane is frighteningly relevant to Yom Kippur. No amount of money or piece of technology could keep Florence from hitting the US mainland.
Why did Moses pray that God not accept the incense offering or prayers of Korach and his followers when determining who would lead the People of Israel? Wasn't it all preordained by God anyway?
In of the most powerful prayers on Yom Kippur, known as Unetaneh Tokef, we admit that only God determines who lives, who dies and everything else that happens to us the entire year.
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