Watchdog sues USAID after it failed to hand over documents detailing campaign to pump aid into Hamas-controlled Gaza and efforts to pressure Israel to end its war against Hamas.
It was deeply disappointing that during her speech at the United Nations 'anti-Semitism' conference last week, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power failed even to mention 'Muslim' or 'Islamic' anti-Semitism.
US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said it is “undeniable” that anti-Semitism still exists and is even getting worse in some places and emphasized the need to develop more effective tools to monitor and confront anti-Semitism online and in social media.
Israel is demanding that punitive measures should be taken against Iran for its testing of ballistic missiles that are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
Why not replace the Palestinian People Committee with another body dedicated to all stateless nations and minorities? Democratic member states need to understand that as long as the bodies dedicated to anti-Israel propaganda remain active within the UN structure, very little is going to change.
US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, in the region to push for a two-state solution, acknowledged the world body's extreme bias towards the Jewish State.
Bowing to the demands of the Palestinian global campaign against Israel, the United Nations will allow them to raise their flag at UN headquarters this month.
Following Israel's national elections, Prime Minister Netanyahu turned down a proposed visit to Israel by US Secretary Kerry to discuss the peace process.
Kerry blasted the UN Human Rights Council, pointing to an unbalanced focus on Israel and noting that this obsession undermines the organization's credibility.
The message was one of reconciliation and unity, underscoring Washington's commitment to Israel's security and emphasizing the strong US-Israel alliance.
The PA experienced a shocking defeat at the UN when it failed in its unilateral bid, calling for an Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria within three years.
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