Rally in Dearborn, Michigan saw chants of 'Death to Israel,' praise for slain Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and calls for Jews to be returned 'back to Poland.'
State Department spokesman addresses a recent New York Times column by Thomas L. Friedman claiming the "U.S. reassessment of Netanyahu’s government has begun."
Despite infections in Israel dropping to record lows, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included the Jewish State in its list of 116 countries to avoid.
Annual report brings back the term 'occupation' but slams Palestinians for horrific abuses against their own people; confirms Jerusalem as Israeli capital.
Palestinian refugees number only several thousand, and not the millions claimed by the Palestinians, according to a classified State Department document.
During what has become a highly contentious presidential campaign, controversy continues to swirl around Hillary Clinton's private email server she used during her position as secretary of state.
For the first time, the US State Department has explicitly accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of promoting anti-Semitism, a signal Jewish groups are hoping will lead to change in US policy.
Two media-monitoring organizations, CAMERA and HonestReporting, expressed outrage against the current affairs website Salon on Wednesday for its description of the State Department’s latest report on Israel’s human rights record.
While Iran progresses with its ballistic missile program in full force, the US is still weighing its options regarding new sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
The Obama administration rejected a call by US lawmakers to close the PLO embassy in Washington while Palestinian incitement and terror attacks against Israelis continue.
Israel's leaders are enraged by comments coming out of the US State Department blaming Israel for the Palestinian violence, and for alleging Israel uses excessive force to stop terrorism.
The Nawajah family's “struggle” has become the cause célèbre of the cadre of foreigners and foreign-funded NGOs intent on harming Israel and its standing worldwide through untruths, misrepresentations and outright lies.
The Obama administration was quick to clarify that the anti-BDS amendment in the recently signed trade bill does not pertain to Israeli businesses in Judea and Samaria.
Has the Obama administration been meddling in Israel's election campaign by funding left-wing organizations campaigning against Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Likud Party?
Critics charge that NIF knowingly financed groups that support Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions and worked to get IDF soldiers prosecuted for "war crimes."
While the Egyptian government wages war on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups, the US and some Europeans hamper efforts to combat terrorism.
When Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky was born in west Jerusalem in 2002, his American parents asked that their son’s place of birth be listed as Jerusalem, Israel.
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