There are differences between the firstborn of a father and the firstborn of a mother. The importance of a firstborn extends to animals and even to fruit.
When confronted with your mortality, do you think about maximizing your impact on the world, or say to yourself, 'Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we may die'?
In this webinar, Rabbi Ari Enkin discusses the Torah portion of "Toldot" (Genesis 25:19–28:9) which focuses on Yakov and Esav, and many other issues as well.
Parents must take an interest in each child, learning their unique traits in order to maximize their potential and help them grow up to become God-fearing adults.
There is not much we can learn from the wicked Esau, but when it comes to honoring our parents, he is certainly a fine example. He also had a great attitude.