At the end of the visit, they offered a silent prayer for the captives who have returned and for the swift release of all those still being held by Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
Last night, at the Western Wall, the families of the hostages gathered to light the first candle of Chanukah, a moment filled with both sorrow and hope.
The final letters were filled in on Monday evening by Yaakov Argamani, the father of Noa Argamani, who was rescued from Hamas captivity in an IDF military operation in June.
Like all such construction projects, it was necessary to conduct an archaeological excavation to ensure that the project didn’t threaten significant cultural heritage sites.
On the first night of Selichot, thousands of Jews converged at the Western Wall, turning it into a powerful symbol of collective prayer and reflection.
As we pray at the Western Wall and gaze up at the Temple Mount, we cannot help but wonder why there is no Holy Temple today. Does it have anything to do with the slanderous report of the spies in the times of Moses?
This year, special prayers were added for the safety of 133 Israelis being held hostage in Gaza, the protection of IDF soldiers, and gratitude for protection from a recent missile attack by Iran.
'Today we—the Maccabees of our times—are fighting the forces of evil that have come to wipe the Jewish people and its state off the face of the Earth.'
Man approaches operator of tefillin stand operator at Western Wall in Jerusalem and shows him a picture of the two of them. "This is from 11 years ago when I was last here. I want to thank you."
Augmented reality technology recognizes what is being viewed through one's smartphone camera and overlays it with corresponding virtual information to provide an experience of the Western Wall site as it was during ancient times.
During the times of the Temple, this ceremony was held once every seven years when all of Israel – men, women, and children – were gathered in Jerusalem for the Sukkot festival.
In one of Israeli archaeologists' most recent discoveries, an unusual mikveh ritual bath from the Second Temple period was unearthed during a dig close to the Temple Mount.
'Jerusalem' and 'Zion' represent the Jewish people and the non-Jewish nations of the world coming together to serve God and support the Jewish People in the Land that He gave them!
'These boys whose lives were in complete turmoil amidst a brutal war just a few weeks ago are now blessed to celebrate their bar mitzvas at this holiest and most special of places.'