Palestinian Arabs respond to incitement by their leadership and proceed to riot. (Photo: Photo by STR/Flash90) Palestinian Arabs respond to incitement by their leadership and proceed to riot. (Photo: STR/Flash90)

An Israeli rabbi, a victim of incitement and terror, has decided not to remain silent. Rather, he is fighting back.

Glick and his family leaving the hospital after his recovery. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Rabbi Yehuda Glick and his family leaving the hospital after his recovery. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Yehuda Glick, an Israeli rabbi who was the target of an assassination attempt by a Palestinian terrorist in October, lodged a legal complaint with Israel’s police against an al-Aqsa preacher who was documented preaching Nazi-like anti-Semitism and praying for the success of Islamic State (IS or ISIS) terrorists in Israel.

Sheik Omar Abu Sara, a Palestinian preacher, called to slaughter the Jews, whom he described as “the most evil of Allah’s creations.”

“Talking about the traits of the Jews requires one to get into a special mode, because we are dealing with people to whom every single vile trait has been attributed. They were the masters of these vile traits, and they taught their secrets to others,” Abu Sara declared.

These alleged negative Jewish traits are registered in the Quran, which depicts all aspects of the lives of the Jews “in the most abominable images,” he proclaimed.

Fighting Against Islamic Terror

“Glick has personally experienced that incitement can lead to murder attempts,” the plaintiff’s lawyer stated. “My client’s health is still a complex issue, and he is still wheelchair bound, but my client who has experienced such a severe incident cannot stand by silently in the face of such incitement, because he who has suffered the consequences of incitement against Jews in general and specifically on the issue of the Temple Mount knows that there is a tangible fear that words of incitement can quickly become acts of murder.”

The Muslim preacher should be questioned on charges of incitement to racism and murder, and his potential involvement in terrorism should be investigated as well, the attorney said.

Incitement Led to the Holocaust, Lawyer States

Referring to the Nazi-like allegations by Abu Sara against Jews, Glick’s lawyer explained that incitement had led to the Holocaust. ”We call on Israel’s police to prevent any violence against Jews,” he said.

Glick, who founded and heads the Haliba Initiative for Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount, miraculously survived the almost-fatal terror attempt and has vowed to continue his struggle for equal prayer rights for Jews on Judaism’s holiest site.

By: United with Israel Staff

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