A Palestinian terrorist broke into a Jewish community in Samaria and stabbed three members of the same family to death after writing on Facebook that Jews are the “sons of monkeys and pigs.”

A 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed three family members to death Friday evening in the Jewish community of Neve Tzuf (aka Halamish) in Samaria. The vicious murder occurred as the family was enjoying their Shabbat meal and celebrating the birth of a new grandson.

An off-duty soldier who heard the commotion rushed to the scene and shot and wounded the terrorist – Omar al-Abed from the village of Kobar near Ramallah.

The victims were identified as Yosef Salomon (70) and his children Chaya Salomon, 46, and Elad Salomon, 36. Yosef’s wife Tova, 68, was seriously wounded and underwent surgery at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

Elad, who lived in central Israel, had come with his family to join in the festivities. His wife Michal managed to protect their five children while calling for help.

‘The Most Shocking Scenes’

“The most shocking scenes greeted us. A house ready for Shabbat, with the table laid, the food on the hotplate and food and drink on the table for the celebrations in honor of the new grandchild. And everywhere, so much blood of the victims,” Yehuda Meshi Zahav, chairman of the ZAKA rescue unit, stated.

Hamas issued a statement welcoming the attack and calling it a “heroic response to Israel harming the rights of our people in Jerusalem and at the Al Aqsa Mosque,” referring to the installation of metal detectors on the Temple Mount since last Friday’s terror attack that claimed the lives of two Israeli Druze police officers.

The Halamish terrorist, who is being treated in a Jerusalem hospital, had expected to die. In a Facebook post penned a couple of hours before the attack, the Jerusalem Post reported, he wrote what he said would be his “last words.”

“All that I have is a sharpened knife, and it is answering the call of al-Aqsa. Shame on you [Jews], you who preach hatred. God will take revenge on you and will make it count. All of us are the sons of Palestine and the sons of al-Aqsa. You, sons of monkeys and pigs, if you do not open the gates of al-Aqsa, I am sure that men will follow me and will hit you with an iron fist, I am warning you.”

‘Hatred Taught in Schools and Homes’ in the Palestinian Authority

“I do not remember metal detectors on Har Habayit when the Fogel family from Itamar [in Samaria] was slaughtered,” Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked responded. In March 2011, a Palestinian terrorist entered the Fogel home, also on Shabbat, and slaughtered five members of the same family.

“It was the result of unbridled incitement that was not stopped by leaders. In the wake of hatred taught in schools and homes,” Shaked said, referring to the ongoing incitement to violence and glorification and funding of terror in the Palestinian Authority.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expresses deep sorrow over last night’s murder of three family members in the community of Halamish. This was an act of terrorism committed by a beast incited by wild hatred,” a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office read. “The security forces are doing their utmost to maintain security and, to this end, will take all necessary measures.”

“This is the time for the whole free world to denounce terror and incitement, and join with the State of Israel in the war against terror and incitement. One who does not denounce terror is a partner to it, and has a hand in the deterioration of the whole region into a needless, bloody war, which no one wants,” President Reuven Rivlin stated.

By: United with Israel Staff

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