Eulogizing his wife, Rabbi Leo Dee said he feels blessed for ’25 years of a beautiful marriage.’
Thousands gathered on Tuesday afternoon in Israel for the funeral of 48-year-old Lucy Dee, who died on April 10, days after being shot in the April 7 terror attack that also claimed the lives of two of her daughters: Maia, 20, and Rina, 15.
“Lucy, you wanted me to make you a special speech at your 50th, and now this. Lucy, you were a great companion for anyone. But for me you were my best friend,” said Rabbi Leo Dee, eulogizing his wife. “We literally traveled the world together, we made aliyah together and built a new life for ourselves in the promised land.”
Oded Revivi, the mayor of Efrat, where the family lived, posted an English translation of the eulogy on Facebook.
Dee added that “I could lament over the next 25 years of marriage that I have lost, but I actually feel blessed to have had 25 years of a beautiful marriage with you.”
His and Lucy’s daughters, Keren and Tali, and son Yehuda also spoke.
Dee said the many people who responded to his plea to post images of Israeli flags to mark Dees Day were a great comfort. “ I woke up in the middle of the night and saw Facebook with so many smiling faces with Israeli flags from all over the world,” he said.
“Your light has traveled across all of humanity in an instant. You held on, so we could honor you individually and give you a unique send-off for a unique soul,” Dee said of Lucy. “A soul that has changed and will continue to change many lives. May your soul be bound up in the bond of everlasting life.”

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