The UN Security Council condemned a terror attack on Israel’s embassy in Athens. Greek officials suspect left-wing terror groups. Israel blames PA incitement.

Security Council chamber, United Nations headquarters. (Photo: shutterstock)

Security Council chamber, United Nations headquarters. (Photo: shutterstock)

The United Nations Security Council on Saturday denounced the terror attack on Israel’s embassy in Athens, Greece, a day earlier, stressing the need to catch the perpetrators, AFP reports.

The 15-member Council unanimously “condemned in the strongest terms” the attack against Israel’s embassy and “underlined the need to bring its perpetrators to justice.”

Greek security forces suspect that a left-wing terror organization may have been behind the attack, in which over 50 bullets were fired at the embassy by assailants riding on motorcycles. No one was injured, and some of the bullets struck the facade of the building.

The Security Council praised the Greek government’s swift investigation and “reaffirmed that terrorism, in all its forms and manifestations, constitutes one of the most serious threats to peace and security. Any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed,” according to AFP.

Israel’s Ynet quoted a police source in Athens that said that the two Kalashnikovs assault-rifles used in this attack were used in a similar assault on the residence of the German ambassador last December by the far-left People’s Fighter Group.

Palestinian Authority to Blame, Israel Says

The Israeli government pointed a finger at the Palestinian Authority (PA), stating that “the attack on the Israeli embassy in Athens is another link in the acts of violence resulting from the Palestinian Authority’s anti-Israel incitement that is disseminated around the world by PA leaders and pro-Palestinian organizations.”

Jerusalem demanded that the international community condemn “this continuing incitement that leads to these results.”

Israel thanked the Greek authorities for their close cooperation in investigating the incident. “We are hopeful that the perpetrators will be caught and punished,” the statement issued by Israel’s Foreign Ministry read.

By: United with Israel Staff

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