The World Health Organization (WHO) Director General made an impromptu visit to Israel over the weekend offering high praise for Hadassah Medical Center’s work in the fight against cancer.
By: United with Israel Staff
Over the weekend, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who serves as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director General, landed in Israel for a surprise visit. The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that monitors and addresses public health issues throughout the world.
Ghebreyesus toured Hadassah Medical Center’s Ein Kerem facility with Israeli Health Ministry Chief Moshe Bar Siman Tov. Among the Director General’s stops in the hospital was the pediatric hemato-oncology ward, where he spoke with patients, their parents, and various members of the staff.
In addition to speaking with nurses and social workers, Ghebreyesus also met with Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Department Head Dr. Gal Goldstein, who provided an overview of the advanced treatments doctors administer there.
Impressed by what he saw at Hadassah, Ghebreyesus commetented, “I am amazed by the level of dedication and the staff’s impressive devotion to the patients, as well as by the continuous thought which goes into treatment. [The thought is] not just about the sick children, but also about their families. I am impressed by the level of involvement of every staff member in the patients’ treatment,” reported Arutz 7.
“Hadassah is proof that medical treatment creates a bridge between people, and a center of hope,” Ghebreyesus concluded.
While the WHO has praised Hadasah’s work, a number of UN agencies remain openly hostile to the Jewish state. Members of the UN’s Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), for instance, have waged a campaign to deny the Jewish people’s connection to the Land of Israel, passing a number of resolutions that contradict history and ignore incontrovertible facts on the ground.
UNESCO’s biased positions resulted in both Israel and the US withdrawing from the body.
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