“Once, this was their home court and they passed whatever they wanted. Today, the atmosphere is different,” Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said of the Palestinians’ activity against Israel at the international body.

By: Algemeiner Staff

Israel’s situation at the United Nations is slowly improving, the Jewish state’s envoy to the global intergovernmental body said in an interview published by the Hebrew newspaper Makor Rishon on Friday.

“The Palestinians are no longer riding the wave,” Ambassador Danny Danon stated. “Once, this was their home court and they passed whatever they wanted. Today, the atmosphere is different.”

According to Danon, the promotion by the Palestinians of anti-Israel initiatives at institutions such as the Human Rights Council and UNESCO are rooted in their inability to get support for similar efforts at the Security Council and General Assembly.

Danon has developed a close relationship with US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley since she took office earlier this year. The recent announcement by the Trump administration that the US would withdraw from UNESCO over its anti-Israel bias “proves the seriousness” of their commitment to reforming the UN, Danon noted.

“They are doing, not just talking,” he said.

Danon warned that the UNHRC’s plan to publish a “blacklist” of companies that do business with Israeli settlements would give legitimacy to the BDS movement.

“It is very dangerous, grave and precedent-setting, and it must not be allowed to pass,” Danon said. “A black list of Jewish businesses in the Land of Israel — in my eyes, this is UN-sponsored antisemitism. Therefore, it’s a red line.”

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