On Wednesday Night December 12, 2012, the 5th night of Chanukah, American and Israeli families will join together with Israeli soldiers on the Reim Military Base located just 2 kilometers from the border with Hamas-controlled Gaza.
The event will feature music, traditional Chanukah food, special presentations and of-course, the “Lighting of the Menorah”. This year, the soldiers will be lighting a very special Menorah that was created from the remains of kassam rockets that exploded in Israel. Nearly 15,000 rockets have been fired from Gaza in the last 13 years. An Israeli artist has transformed these missiles of terror into something of unique beauty and light!
The soldiers on this base are stationed within 2 kilometers of Gaza. They are ready for action at moment’s notice, should the orders be given to initiate a ground forces operation. These young men and women ensure that the IDF vital’s equipment is ready for battle. The soldiers on this military base are an integral part of Israel’s front line against terrorist infiltration from Gaza…
They are outside most of the day and get very cold in the winter, just like we all do!
A special ceremony will be held in honor of the soldiers in which ‘Warm Winter’ care packages from ‘United with Israel’ supporters will be given to the soldiers. Personal letters from admirers all around the world will be presented as expressions of gratitude and unity.
If you are interested in attending, buses will be leaving from Ramat Bet Shemesh at 2:30pm. Due to security concerns, only a limited number of private vehicles will be allowed on the military base.
For more info about the event, please contact us:
Email: idfparty@unitedwithisrael.org
Phone: 052-768-1192
Due to security concerns and the proximity to the border with Gaza, the IDF will not allow us to broadcast this year’s party LIVE. However, we will load video of the event as soon as it’s available right here on this Webpage!
.To provide “Warm Winter” packages, write a personal letter to a soldier, donate the “Sderot Menorah” or become a sponsor of the event, please visit: https://unitedwithisrael.net/soldiers
We are honored to thank the brave young Israeli soldiers who risk their lives every day to protect and defend the People of Israel. And we are very grateful to THANK ISRAELI SOLDIERS for all of the amazing work they do for the soldiers. And for making this event possible!
Please JOIN US in saying ‘THANK YOU’ to our beloved soldiers. Send a gift Today!

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