Customers discovered the retail giant was selling t-shirts glorifying Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist leaders.
By Jewish Breaking News
Walmart is facing severe backlash after customers discovered the retail giant selling t-shirts featuring Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist leaders.
At least three t-shirts have been identified on Walmart’s online store featuring the image of the late Hamas chief and October 7th mastermind Yahya Sinwar, while a fourth shirt, sold under the name “Nasrallah Safe Following Israeli Airstrikes T-shirt,” bears the image of the late Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
“Walmart shoppers were horrified to find shirts glorifying Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar while online shopping,” watchdog StopAntisemitism blasted on X. “Walmart, are you aware you’re selling apparel celebrating terrorism and violence against Jews? This is outrageous—remove them immediately.”
One shirt displayed Sinwar’s image with “SIN + WAR” text, while another showed an AI-generated rendering of him in combat gear with the slogan “We Will Win Or Die.” Both have since been taken down from the website.
However, a third Sinwar shirt which features a stylized photograph of Sinwar above the word “RESIST,” remains listed but marked out of stock.
Unsurprisingly, Walmart has not issued a statement on the matter.
Since October 7, major retail platforms have become staging grounds for politically charged apparel. Designer James Harr’s Comrade Workwear stoked outrage with shirts glorifying terrorist Leila Khaled’s 1970 El Al hijacking attempt, while Amazon and Etsy still sell items with antisemitic slogans like “From the River to the Sea.”
ms have become staging grounds for politically charged apparel. Designer James Harr’s Comrade Workwear stoked outrage with shirts glorifying terrorist Leila Khaled’s 1970 El Al hijacking attempt, while Amazon and Etsy still sell items with antisemitic slogans like “From the River to the Sea.”

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