
With the help of the Israeli government — and a lot of kind, generous donors all over the world — Yad Ezra V’Shulamit will be distributing 50,000 food baskets and vouchers to Israel’s poor for the holidays.

“So many people need help since the effects of COVID are still with us,” said Yad Ezra V’Shulamit’s founder, Aryeh Lurie. “We’re delivering food baskets to 80 distribution points in 47 cities throughout Israel.”

With a third of Israelis living in poverty, Yad Ezra V’Shulamit gets basic food supplies to hundreds of thousands of people. Over 10,000 weekly food baskets and 500 daily hot meals for children both work to ease the burden of poverty so many in Israel face.

“We can’t do this alone. Everyone has to pitch in to make sure whoever needs food has the basics for the holidays. I ask all our friends worldwide to give a helping hand to those who need help in Israel. If everyone gives 1 basket, there will be more than enough food for everyone. May this bring merit to all those who care about Israel,” said Lurie.

To give a food basket go to