Sophia Shramko (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
Sophia Shramko

An Arab Bedouin woman from Israel destroys the apartheid lie.

An Arab Bedouin Israeli slams the apartheid narrative, emphasizing the transformative impact of Israel on her life.

She highlights that without Israel, she might have faced a future of illiteracy and poverty, herding sheep.

Instead, armed with an electrical engineering degree and a master’s from Stanford University, she proudly asserts her right to shape her life according to her aspirations, debunking the notion of an oppressive system.

Israel at War with Hamas. Support Israel Today!

The people of Israel need your help at this most critical time. Please make a donation to help protect and defend Israelis against unprecedented Hamas terror.

Rockets are falling. Sirens blare, with seconds to run for cover. IDF soldiers risk their lives battling terrorists inside Gaza. Thousands forced to abandon their homes in southern Israel.

To fight terror and save lives, UWI provides bomb shelters, anti-terror vehicles, protective gear, security equipment, medical assistance, relief to victims and much more. Help Israel fight and win this war against Hamas. The time to act is now!