Boris Johnson visits at the Western Wall in 2015. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit) Boris Johnson visits at the Western Wall in 2015. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stood on the front lines in the fight against anti-Semitism, battling the Labour party members’ virulent brand of Jew hatred in the country’s most recent election campaign.

According to most estimates, the crushing defeat suffered by Jeremy Corbyn and Labour in the UK’s elections this month was at least partially the result of the party’s decision to permit the most vile strains of anti-Semitism to fester among its ranks.

In this Chanukah greeting, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson not only extends warm holiday wishes, but also invokes the holiday’s deeper meaning: the Jewish people must remain vigilant against each generation’s incarnation of Jew hatred, from the ancient Greeks to modern-day “anti-Zionists” who cloak their Holocaust denial and conspiracy theories under the mantle of “social justice.”

Thank you Prime Minister Johnson for standing with the Jewish people!

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