Argentina’s Chief Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich (AMIA) (AMIA)
Argentina’s Chief Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich

The AMIA Jewish community center in Argentina said that Davidovich was “beaten and savagely attacked.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin and several other Israeli statesmen as well as Jewish leaders around the world condemned a savage attack on Argentina’s Chief Rabbi Gabriel Davidovich in his home early Monday morning.

The AMIA Jewish community center in Argentina said that Davidovich was “beaten and savagely attacked.”

Unknown individuals broke into his home at 2 a.m. and told him that they knew he was the AMIA rabbi, according to media reports. Now hospitalized, he suffered nine fractured ribs and a punctured lung.

In this video, Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog describes his telephone conversation with the rabbi, saying that he’s “in huge pain” and suffering trauma. Herzog expects the Argentinian authorities to find the villains and punish them as well as to combat anti-Semitism.

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