Prager University released a poignant video demonstrating the acute similarities between the dangerous Iran nuclear deal and the appeasement of Nazi Germany in 1938.

“Many in the West denied the darkness of Nazism. We are reliving 1938,” declares radio host and commentator Dennis Prager.

Prager University released a poignant video demonstrating the acute similarities between the dangerous Iran nuclear deal and the appeasement of Nazi Germany in 1938.

The potential for Iran to do evil in the world is absolutely horrifying.

Sign the Petition to Stop a Nuclear Iran

The US Congress must ensure that sanctions against Iran remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose easing sanctions before the nuclear threat from Iran has been eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to 'anytime, anywhere' inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. Iran's nuclear program must be stopped.

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