El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, y el primer ministro israelí, Naftali Bennett, en Sochi, el 22 de octubre de 2021. (Evgeny Biyatov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo vía AP) (Evgeny Biyatov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
Russia Israel

The Ukrainian president proposed a summit in Jerusalem. Will Vladimir Putin come to Israel and give peace a chance?

Israel has taken on a unique role in the Russia-Ukraine war as the Jewish state maintains open relations with both countries.

Israel offered to mediate in the conflict and Prime Minister Bennett even flew to Moscow last weekend to discuss the crisis with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has also held numerous calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Most recently, Zelensky proposed a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Jerusalem, and Israel is waiting to see how the Russian president will respond.

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