Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas claims before the Greek parliament that he loves the Jews and wants to build physical and metaphorical bridges with them. The problem is that he is lying.
When addressing the Greek parliament at the end of December, Abbas decries the “racist separation fence that was built and continues to be built.”
He denies that the Palestinians are at war with the Jewish religion. He claims that they honor it, appreciate it and recognize its sanctity.
He then claims that the crux of the problem is “the Zionist occupation.” He refuses to make the connection that the State of Israel is a Jewish state.
Regardless of what Abbas said here, this is not what he says to Palestinians at home.
Petition to the United States and European Union We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. The brutal murder of Israelis committed by Palestinian terrorists throughout Israel is the latest result of ongoing PA incitement against Israeli citizens. Funding the PA means funding terror.Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority