(The Jerusalem Post/Screenshot) (The Jerusalem Post/Screenshot)
Jewish prayer on Temple Mount

On Thursday, a group of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount joined others who have begun reciting their daily prayers on the site, reports The Jerusalem Post.

Despite a ban on non-Muslim prayer on the Temple Mount by the Jordanian Muslim Trust (Waqf), which administers the site, it appears that Jewish worshippers have begun reciting their daily prayers on their holiest site, where the first and second Holy Temples stood.

The Temple Mount, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, was liberated from Jordanian occupation during the 1967 Six Day War. The site is Islam’s third-holiest and Judaism’s holiest.

In recent years, an increasing number of activists have been visiting the Mount and fighting for equal rights. During the recent Sukkot festival, tens of thousands ascended the Mount.

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