
In a powerful video, Jews sing “Vehi She’amda,” symbolizing resilience against oppression, while Palestinian supporters attempt to drown their voices with hate, showcasing a stark contrast.

As Jews around the world rally in support of Israel, the Jewish community also faces relentless hate and antisemitism from pro-Palestinian supporters.

In this video, a group of Jews rallying for Israel sing the traditional Jewish song and passage from the Passover Haggadah, “Vehi She’amda.” This song reflects on God’s promise to protect and deliver the Jewish people throughout history, emphasizing their endurance despite various attempts to oppress or destroy them.

While they sing, a group of Palestinian supporters scream their hateful messages, attempting to drown out the Jews’ voices. The choice of song, the scenario, and the stark contrast between light and darkness is evident and so powerful. Am Yisrael Chai!