Israeli chef Farah Raslan, who was born in Lebanon. (screenshot) screenshot
Israeli chef Farah Raslan

How did this talented young chef and mother, who was born and raised in Lebanon, come to call the Jewish state “home sweet home”?

Farah Raslan took Israel by storm on the popular “Master Chef” show, beating all other contestants in the fast-paced cooking competition.

It wasn’t Raslan’s food alone that set her apart from the other contestants, she was also the sole participant from Lebanon, the country in which she was born, but left due to the dangers posed by Hezbollah after the Second Lebanon War.

When Raslan crossed into Israel, she spoke no Hebrew, knew nothing about the Jewish state, and had no idea what to expect in her new adopted home. Hear the rest of her fascinating journey and watch her make signature dishes like kibbeh and knafeh!

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