Palestinian propagandist Ibrahim Al-Rabi. (screenshot) screenshot
Palestinian propagandist Ibrahim Al-Rabi

Palestinians claim that the two Jewish Temples never existed, while lying about Israel secretly constructing a new one at the same site.

“There is construction work taking place under the Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the alleged Temple of Solomon,” claimed a recent report on the Palestinian Authority’s official TV station.

A so-called “expert on international law” named Ibrahim Al-Rabi made the contention, adding, “UNESCO has said that [the Western Wall] has no connection to Jews, but is rather an Islamic heritage [site]. In other words, it is subject to Palestinian rule and the Jews have no right to it.”

With regard to UNESO, Al-Rabi referenced the notoriously anti-Israel United Nations agency, which has issued a series of historically inaccurate proclamations that attempt to sever the Jewish people’s millennia-old connection to its ancestral homeland, Israel.

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