Palestinians in Gaza pass out candies in celebration of the death of an IDF soldier who was shot by a terrorist.
“Residents of Gaza celebrate the death of an Israeli hero,” tweeted (res.) Eyal Dror, founder and Commander of “Operation Good Neighbor,” the IDF’s humanitarian mission to aid Syrian refugees that was launched in 2017.
Barel Shmueli, 21, was critically injured nine days ago when a Hamas terrorist shot him in the head during riots on the Israel-Gaza border. He succumbed to his wounds on Monday.
Residents of Gaza celebrate the death of an Israeli hero – an IDF soldier who was shot by a terrorist in Gaza and died after nine days. Poor people like you🤮! Continue to live in poverty and misery, while we 🇮🇱 will continue to prosper
— LTC Res Eyal Dror (@LTCEyalDror) August 30, 2021