On November 30, the State of Israel marks Jewish Refugee Day. Let us remember the stories of the 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab lands.

They left under the cover of night. They couldn’t even say goodbye.

They left everything behind. Many of them never returned, not even for a short visit…

But now they are truly home, in the Jewish state.

These are the stories of the Jewish refugees from the Middle East and North Africa.

From Iran to Morocco, here are only nine of the 850,000 stories.

As Israel is under attack by its enemies who attempt to delegitimize the Jewish state by presenting false history and lies about the “occupation of Palestinian land,” it is more important than ever to remember our history, including the stories of the Jews who were forced out of Arab countries, where they had lived for millenia.


Bring Joy to Israeli Soldiers - Send Winter Care Packages!

We are honored to thank the young men and women of the IDF who risk their lives every day to defend the citizens of Israel.

Join us in sending winter care packages and personal notes of support to Israeli soldiers who are out in the cold all day.

Warm up a soldier's heart with essential winter wear including fleece jackets, hats, gloves and more. Keep an entire unit warm!


Click Here to Send Your Gift and Personal Note to Israeli Soldiers

Do You Love Israel? Make a Donation - Show Your Support!

Donate to vital charities that help protect Israeli citizens and inspire millions around the world to support Israel too!

Now more than ever, Israel needs your help to fight and win the war -- including on the battlefield of public opinion.

Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias and boycotts are out of control. Israel's enemies are inciting terror and violence against innocent Israelis and Jews around the world. Help us fight back!