A wounded US Army veteran who was blown up by an Iranian bomb, describes first-hand the horrific barbarism coming from Iran and why US lawmakers must oppose the deal.

With the Iran deal coming to a vote soon, everyone must know what Iran has actually done. Did you know that Iran-supplied bombs have killed hundreds of American troops in Iraq?

A retired US staff sergeant describes how Iranian-backed fighters mercilessly executed children. He warns that every elected official politician who supports the Iran nuclear deal “will have blood on their hands.”

The Obama administration has admitted that sanctions relief will bring about more Iranian terror. What else needs to be said? This frightening video must be seen. Let’s make it go VIRAL!

Sign the Petition to Stop a Nuclear Iran

The US Congress must ensure that sanctions against Iran remain in force until the nuclear threat is completely eliminated.

I strongly oppose easing sanctions before the nuclear threat from Iran has been eliminated. Allowing Iran to enrich uranium without being subject to 'anytime, anywhere' inspections is extremely dangerous and unacceptable. Iran's nuclear program must be stopped.

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