This brave young immigrant left her home in America to become a border patrol agent, working in some of the toughest Arab areas in Jerusalem.
Shoshana Halamish is only 19 years old, but she loves the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
She moved to Israel, enlisted in the IDF, and signed up to serve in the nation’s border patrol.
With an M-16, Halamish patrols some of the most dangerous Arab areas in Jerusalem.
Donate to the Corona Emergency Relief Fund. Coronavirus has taken a huge toll on the people of Israel. The poor, elderly and ill are most vulnerable.
Israeli soldiers, security officers and medical care providers operate under great danger and risk to life.
Over 1 million Israelis are out of work. Many cannot make ends meet. We provide financial aid, food, medical supplies and more. Funds are distributed where needed most. The time to act is now!
United with Israel extends a special note of appreciation to the Genesis Prize for their generous support.