The site where a mortar shell from Gaza hit an apartment building and cars in the Southern Israeli city of Sderot, on August 9, 2018. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Sderot Rocket Attack

A social worker explains what it is like for the residents of a southern Israeli kibbutz to live in constant fear and terror at the hands of Hamas.

Kibbutz Alumim is located 3 kilometers away from the Gaza Strip. The residents of the Kibbutz have been subjected to constant rocket attacks sent by Hamas in the Gaza strip, as well as the aftermath of arson attacks.

A social worker at the Kibbutz explains what it is like for the residents to live in constant fear and terror at the hands of Hamas.

These Israelis have been suffering for far too long – and it must stop.

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